تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Located on the southern shore of the Mediterranean, on the northwestern tip of Africa and at the gates of Europe, on the western edge of the Arab and Muslim world and the Maghreb, the Kingdom of Morocco has always been a crossroads of civilizations and today an intersection of major regional groupings.

Due to its historical choice of the openness to its environment and its willingness to continue to work for a better world, Morocco has accelerated the pace of implementation of structural projects and, by drawing on its liberal orientation, has pursued its modernization at the political, economic and social levels and thus strengthening the stability of the country.

Morocco has in fact undertaken a series of structural reforms in order to achieve strong and sustainable growth. Coupled with the progressive liberalization of all sectors of activity, these reforms have had positive results on the national economy.

  • Liberalization of the financial sector and restructuring of public finances;
  • Implementation of several sectoral development strategies that set specific goals of the different sectors and outline them in action plans and performance contracts: Tourism (VISION 20 0), Commerce (RAWAJ PLAN) New Information and Communication Technologies (DIGITAL MOROCCO PLAN), Energy (NATIONAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAM), Industry (EMERGENCY PLAN 20 0), Fisheries(HALIEUTIS) and Agriculture(GREEN MOROCCO PLAN);
  • Improving the economic infrastructure: Megaprojects involving highways, railways, seaports and airports;
  • Supporting these projects with appropriate macroeconomic policy reform: Debt reduction, maintenance of macro equilibrium, trade liberalization, taxation adequacy, etc.

Among the main sectors of activity, agricultural and agro-industrial sector has undeniable advantages making Morocco one of the most attractive countries in terms of investment in the region. In this context, Morocco has made considerable efforts to improve the investment environment in
this sector particularly in the context of the Green Morocco Plan by improving the framework conditions and the modernization of institutional, legislative and regulatory systems regulating the economic activity and strengthening the attractiveness of the Kingdom to domestic and foreign investors.

Launched in 2008, the Green Morocco Plan has put the investment at the core of its equation of development and modernization of this sector, and this through triggering a wave of massive investment, around new domestic and international investors operating in the sector, with investments created around private projects or win-win aggregations through specific and adapted Morocco Offer.

This investor guide in the agricultural sector highlights the advantages and potentials Morocco offers to investors and project owners in the agricultural, agro-industrial and para-agricultural fields, the different aspects that characterize the business climate as well as the framework conditions and the new developments of the reforms undertaken within the framework of the Green Morocco Plan.


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